Tamil Name Numerology Calculator

Tamil Name Numerology Calculator is given on our website to select Tamil baby names based on Numerology. Use this numerology calculator to find the total sum of the name and the numerology number of the name. These Tamil names are based on Chaldean Numerology in Tamil Name Numerology Calculator.

Chaldean numerology is the oldest numerology method. Each English letter is given a numerical value from 1 to 8. Each number has got its own uniqueness and character. Each of the numbers 1 to 8 belong to a planet of Astrology. For example, if the numerology value of a name is 5, the planet stands for that number 5 is Mercury. Thus every number stands for a planet. There is no place for Mars in this calculation. Because the number 9 belongs to Mars. In Chaldean Numerology, number 9 is not given any English letters.

Thus the planets from the Sun to Saturn exercise their influence on numerals and on English letters. Suppose the numerology number of a person's name is 7, the planet of the number is Kethu. Thus that person reflects the characteristics of the planet Kethu. This is a brief description of Numerology.

So, the parents who choose a baby name can learn about the numerological background of their preferred name from our website. This tamil names numerology calculator gives a lot of information about the planets as per numerology and the traditional meanings of the names. Thus this Tmail Numerology Calculator will be helpful for those who choose baby names in Tamil and as per Numerology.

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