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Logeshwari Name Meaning in Tamil

Goddess Amman Normal

லோகேஸ்வரி தமிழ் பெயர் அர்த்தம்

Name Meaning in Tamil

பார்வதி தேவி, உலகின் பாதுகாவலர், உலகை ஆட்சி செய்பவள்

Name Meaning in English

goddess parvati, protector of the world, ruler of the world

L Letter Characteristics


When the English alphabet L is the first letter of someone’s name, they prove to be very different from others, and they have a uniqueness about them. They will be wise and bear many talents. Thus, they will act wisely in complex situations and solve the problem. And they will exhibit a wonderful sense of humor. Those with the letter L as the first letter of their name are merrymakers. They will generally like to spend time with their loved ones. And they will be very kind to their life partner.

Logeshwari Name Numerology


The summative value of names that gives number 9 are people ruled by Lord Mars. Number 9 in Numerology represents Mars. They are people who can accomplish what they figure out in their mind. They would always wish to act independently and would not wish to obey others’ dictates. Being bold and Courageous they would be great fighters and leaders. Extraordinary eloquence and bravery are their weapons. They are emotional in speech and action and thus make many enemies. They try to impose their opinion on others. Higher speed in speech and action would be found in them. They would strongly protect their dependents. They would not hesitate to criticize the mistakes of the guilty. Due to their excessive self-esteem, these people would expect that their opponents only shall give in than themselves.

People of the category of 9 are hasty and quick-tempered, but would deeply love their family members. They would not allow others to meddle in their personal affairs. Detesting laziness, they would work hard to progress quickly in whatever field they indulge themselves in. Being very rude by nature, they can be controlled only by love and not by command. They would not beg for help from anyone. They will help others as much as possible, however. Strength of Mind, courage and action are all found unified in them. They would never forget the souls who helped them at the needy hour. They would not forget also the souls who betrayed them. They would like to wreak vengeance on them. They would not like to live a luxurious life and would be frugal in spending. They would save their hard earned money. Instead of planning in advance and act accordingly, they would plan and act according to the situation then and there. Whatever they do, they will do it efficiently. Although they would have fewer friends, they will respect friendship.

People of number 9 are often famous in fields related to politics, police, military, real estate. They would be engineers, military officers, political leaders, and soldiers who defend the country. If Lord Mars is occupying a favourable position in their horoscope, they will gain sufficient fame in life.

Planet Mars Characteristics


Mars is a Causative lord of fraternity. The person of fighting spirit. Son of Goddess Earth. Born as the son of Sage Bharadwaja and was brought up by Goddess Earth. He reigns well in Aries and Scorpio. Attains the pinnacle in Capricorn and becomes null in Cancer. Stars like Mrigaseerisha, Chithrai and Avittam are under the spell of Mars. Sun, Moon and Jupiter(Guru) are friendly planets for Lord Mars. Saturn and Venus are considered equal planets. Mercury, North & South Nodes (Rahu and Kethu) are inimical planets.

Mars is the causative force of siblings, land, house, fire, courage, physical strength, adventure, anger, hatred, revenge, blood, injury, weapon, accident, army, military commander, Govt. position, research, blood diseases. People under the influence of Mars are serious thinkers. They are combative and stubborn. They are also people who get emotional easily. People who wouldn’t succumb to others. The courageous of this planet excel in medical, police, military and Govt. related fields. Mars stands for number 9 in Numerology. According to Numerology, those born on 9th, 18th and 27th are considered to be under the influence of Mars.

Name in EnglishLogeshwari
Name in Tamilலோகேஸ்வரி
First Letter in EnglishL
First Letter in Tamilலோ
Hindu Name TypeAmman
Star Bharani / பரணி
Numerology Total36
Ruling PlanetMars / செவ்வாய்
Lucky Numbers1, 5, 6, 9
Lucky GemsCorel / பவளம்
Lucky ColourRed, Blue, Green

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