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Chandrika Name Meaning in Tamil

Baby Girl

சந்திரிகா தமிழ் பெயர் அர்த்தம்

Name Meaning in Tamil

நிலவொளி, நிலவொளியால் பிரகாசமானது

Name Meaning in English

Moonlight, Brightened by the moonlight

C Letter Characteristics


Those who have the letter C as the first letter of their name are very productive thinkers of creative ability. They will succeed in life by using their skill and ingenuity in everything they undertake. They would win people’s hearts with the power of their tongue. They will bear the skill of imagination and artistry abundantly. They will readily help who trust them, unmindful of the hour. With the charm of their speech, they are the ones who win in any argument. Through their innovative projects in their profession, they will progress to the astonishment of others.

Chandrika Name Numerology


People whose name summation is 6 are ruled by Lord Venus. Number 6 in numerology represents the planet Venus. They will be blessed to enjoy all the pleasures in life. They are determined to fulfil their plans. They are enthusiasts of all sorts of arts. Being wise and intelligent by nature, they will complete by all possible means whatever task is assigned to them. They show respect to and be kind to women and thereby will easily win the love of women. They have a natural interest in arts, music and drama. They would look beautiful and charming by birth, and so they can charm others with their pleasant tongue.

People come under the category of Number 6 will have a lot of imagination, and so they can complete any work with elegance and precision. Because of this, others tend to entrust their tasks to these people to be accomplished. They engage themselves in any task only after thinking twice and thrice about it and after coming up with a decisive plan to execute it. They are interested more in magic, conjuration and tantra. They would like to live lavishly in life publicly. They enjoy buying expensive clothes, accessories and vehicles. They entice others to befriend with these people somehow. They are always sweet, lively and outgoing. They will do anything for others, if they are loved by them. They are passionate and loving people and so they get the one as their life partner with whom they fall in love. Their financial condition will always be satisfactory and better. They spend money lavishly for buying luxury goods, clothes, beauty products. They want to be aristocratic and dignified wherever they are.

People of number 6 will be famous in the fields of arts. Would be proficient in Arts, Computer Science, Medicine and Commerce. If the position of Venus is favourable in their horoscope, there is a good chance for these people to become affluent and rich.

Planet Venus Characteristics


Venus (Sukra) is Kalatirakaraka (lord of spouse) and Karakan for arts. Venus is the master of Asuras, He is the son of Bhrigu and Kya. Brother of Deva Guru Pragaspathi (Guru Bhagavan). He reigns supreme in Taurus and Libra, ascends in Pisces, and ascends in Virgo. Bharani, Pooram and Puradam stars are ruled by Venus. Mercury and Saturn are friendly planets for Venus. Mars, Guru, Rahu and Ketu are considered his equal planets. Sun and Moon are inimical heavenly bodies.

Venus is the source for beauty, love, marriage, art, dance, music, luxury goods, cattle, witchcraft, passion for women, desire, sensuality, cinematography, diseases related to impotence. Those ruled by Venus are artistic and would be learned in Shastras and black magic. These personalities will attract others to their side by their oratorical skills. They will fight until they achieve their goals. They think and act skilfully in any task undertaken and would succeed. Venus belongs to number 6 in numerology. According to Numerology, those born on 6th, 15th and 24th are ruled by Venus.

Name in EnglishChandrika
Name in Tamilசந்திரிகா
First Letter in EnglishC
First Letter in Tamil
Hindu Name TypeCommon
Star Thiruvathirai / திருவாதிரை
Numerology Total24
Ruling PlanetVenus / சுக்கிரன்
Lucky Numbers1, 5, 6, 9
Lucky GemsDiamond / வைரம்
Lucky ColourGreen, Blue

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